Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company, in Liquidation and its affiliated and subsidiary companies (collectively referred to as "Lumbermens")
includes the following insurance companies which have not issued or renewed any insurance policies since entering run-off in 2003:
- Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company, in Liquidation
- American Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Company, in Liquidation (merged into Lumbermens effective 12/31/2014)
- American Motorists Insurance Company, in Liquidation (merged into Lumbermens effective 12/31/2014)
Orders of Liquidation with Findings of Insolvency were entered against Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company, in Liquidation, American
Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Company, in Liquidation, and American Motorists Insurance Company, in Liquidation by the Circuit Court
of Cook County, Illinois effective May 10, 2013. The Illinois Department of Insurance Director had requested entry of the
Orders of Liquidation in his verified Complaints filed on March 18, 2013 with the Court. The Court also entered an Order granting
the Director's Motion for Substantive Consolidation of the liabilities and assets of these liquidation estates into a single estate.
The Office of the Special Deputy Receiver ("OSD") represents the Illinois Director of Insurance in the administration of these liquidations. Additional
information regarding these liquidations is also available on this website and on the OSD website at
If you have any questions regarding an existing Lumbermens' claim, please contact us at 847-320-2711 (telephone) to leave a telephone voicemail, 847-320-7215 (fax),
or e-mail at
If you have any questions regarding a previously issued Lumbermens' policy, please e-mail us at
NOTE: The "Kemper" trade name was sold to Unitrin, Inc. on June 29, 2010. Unitrin, Inc. is not affiliated with Lumbermens.
Unitrin, Inc. has now changed its name to Kemper Corporation. If you have any questions about a Kemper personal auto or homeowners'
policy or claim, please contact Kemper directly at 877-252-7878 or at